Mosae Zorg Industries introduces the first space-health forecasting-driven power-immunization to the US EPA and FDA. A proud service thanks to the R&D of Epidaurus Telemedical, and founder Farida Hanna Campbell, M.E., B.E. in the Netherlands


  • Nanobiologics

  • Novel nano-ingredients

  • Anti-infectiousness

  • Personal Pro-Immunity

  • Public Health Safety


Mosae Zorg Industries (MZI), is a Biopharmaceutical Company in Maastricht, the Netherlands.

It innovates radical breakthrough

Immunization medical devices for





IP innovation with the FUTURE in every assembly.

Founder, Farida Hanna Campbell (“Hanna”) is an engineer trained in Canada, the United States of America. Her specialisms began in nursing and veterinary human health, as well as urban and wildlife-livestock agricultural engineering health. Her undergraduate engineering awards led her to become one of the very first in multidisciplinary forecasting for emergency water resources and human decision-making digitization. These were part of the experiences that then became part of an excitement for neuropsychiatric cognitive tools, which required calibration. Observation of the data showed a wide scope for new applications- including in 3D immersive testing for US war veterans and for adiabatic quantum-efficiency. These are the basis of tools assembled in stress forecasting algorithms and their biopharmaceutical methods as well as her significant biopharmaceutical IP submissions to the US EPA and EMA for global market emergency medical authorizations.


  • Pathogen Prevention

    Interpersonal Transmission clearance

    Environmental Transmission Management

  • To support or restore the immune system's natural optimum function

  • Habitat-driven Cooperative Measures

    Strong Site Vigilance

    Habitat factor-awareness and Compliance

  • Disease Surveillance

    Reporting Systems

    Outbreak Investigation

    Data Analysis

    Public Health Communication

    Control and Prevention Strategies

    Resource Allocation

    International Collaboration


Accessible and Rapid 3D-deployable anti-infectious protection.

Discover how Mosae Zorg Industries, B.V. pioneers 3D-printable therapeutic interventions for post-infectious parosmia, dementia, and autoimmune disorders.